Save a form in a forms library

  1. On the Tools menu, select Forms and then click Publish Form As.
  2. In the Form Name box, type the name for the form.
  3. In the Display Name box, type the display name for the form.
  4. To change the location (library) where the form is stored, choose a new folder in the Look In box or click the browse button and choose a folder.
  5. (Exchange only) To save the form in the Organizational Forms Library, click Organizational Forms Library in the Forms Library box.

    To save the form in the Outlook Folders Library, click Outlook Folders and then click the folder where you want the form to be saved.

    To save the form in the Personal Forms Library, click Personal Forms Library.

  6. When you have selected the folder in which you want to publish your form, click Publish.